
Garson & Shaw Department of Logistics Memo: COVID-Related Logistics Disruptions

Garson & Shaw Department of Logistics Memo: COVID-19 Related Logistics Disruptions



Dear Customers,

The logistics industry has experienced immense distress due to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The ocean shipping sector has seen significant delays, surging shipping rates, additional fees for inland drayage at origin, and other challenges. You may be experiencing trickle-down effects such as delays in transit times and congestion at ports. These problems are a direct result of the global pandemic.

Garson & Shaw provides inland drayage transportation at origin to ensure our suppliers are provided exemplary service. Due to sudden unannounced changes in shipping schedules (even after a container has been loaded), we have taken on substantial additional fees for which the shipping lines are ultimately responsible. During these difficult times, Garson & Shaw will continue to work hard to get your shipments loaded, and work with your chosen forwarder to minimize these additional fees.

For further information, please see these articles:


Vance B. Murphy II

Director of Logistics

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