New rules by European Union demand clothes be longer-lasting

New rules by European Union demand clothes be longer-lasting

New rules by European Union demand clothes be longer-lasting

New rules by European Union demand clothes be longer-lasting

The European Union has decided to put a halt on fast fashion by demanding textiles and other items be longer-lasting and eco-friendly. Fast fashion, low-priced clothing that is brought to market quickly and copies fashion trends created by luxury brands or small, independent designers; has created a tremendous pollution increase as these items are low quality and easily replaceable. The new rules by the European Union will demand manufacturers produce only textiles that are eco-friendly and hard-wearing; as well as, inform all consumers on how to repair, reuse and recycle their textiles. Part of this new approach will also put an end to manufacturers that lie to their consumers about their brands being sustainable.

According to the European Environment Agency (EEA), textiles have the 4th highest impact on the environment and climate in Europe.

For every person in the EU, textile consumption requires nine cubic metres of water, 400 square metres of land, 391kg of raw materials, and causes a carbon footprint of about 270kg.

If these rules in the European Union get passed in parliament, then perhaps others outside the European Union can follow as they see the benefits of sustainable textile economy.



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