International Day of Climate Action

Taking care of the Environment for International Day of Climate Action


With gloves on and buckets in hand, GARSON & SHAW set out to collect trash from the Atlanta’s Historic Grant Park.

Grant Park Conservancy, a non-profit organization, has been joining efforts for the restoration, maintenance, and beautification of the historic Grant Park in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, United States. This initiative seeks not only to care for the park but also to raise awareness in the community about the protection of the environment and places with vegetation like this, which are for the enjoyment of all.

What a better opportunity to celebrate the International Day of Climate Action than this activity.

The Grant Park Conservancy is concerned with landscaping, infrastructure, cultural activities, and environmental issues that the park may face. They mobilize volunteers to take concrete actions. On this occasion, different collaborators from Garson & Shaw put on their gloves with the mission of cleaning some specific areas of Grant Park; one of the most historic and traditional parks in the city of Atlanta. Grant Park, home to the city Zoo, is located in one of Atlanta’s iconic neighborhoods, recognized for the traditional Victorian architecture that can be seen in its surroundings. The park has several trails and green spaces perfect for picnicking, relaxing, or biking.

This activity allowed Garson & Shaw not only to take care of our historic park but also to awaken an interest in caring for the environment, which so urgently asks for help. Under the framework of the International Day Of Climate Action, small activities like this add up to the necessary efforts to protect our planet. Picking up garbage can be seen as a minimal action but just imagine replicating this activity in every corner of the planet by millions of people. They are the sum of small, medium and large initiatives that promote the change that our planet, our home; needs.

Every October 24, the International Day of Climate Action is commemorated throughout the world, a celebration established by the United Nations to raise awareness of the damage caused by climate change and how the human being has been the protagonist in these consequences, some of which are already clearly perceptible throughout the planet.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recommended that the global temperature should not rise by more than 1.5ºC. In the 2015 Paris Agreement, it was agreed to keep the temperature increase below 2ºC. Since 2020, different world efforts have begun to take this task with the responsibility it deserves.

As humanity we have to act immediately.

Let’s not wait for governments or large multinationals to take care of the environment. The planet needs everyone’s actions. From your daily life you can contribute with actions such as:

  • Save energy in your home. Improve home lighting by replacing high consumption bulbs with LED bulbs and avoid the irrational use of artificial light by taking advantage of daylight whenever possible.
  • Install volumetric reducers in the shower and aerators in the taps to save a significant amount of water.
  • Eat more vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts, and less meat and dairy products, since tons of water and energy resources are needed to produce meat and dairy products.
  • Practice circular economy: Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle. We need to reduce consumption, reuse and repair objects, and always recycle. Garson & Shaw invites you, for example, to reuse clothing that is already in circulation and give it a second chance. Dress in used clothes!

There are many actions that we can carry out every day helping the environment and living in a friendly way with the planet and its resources.




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